Hello everyone,
We’ve stepped into the calendar year of 2020!
What could it hold for us personally, collectively and the world at large? Let me call it upfront. It’s a pivotal year of change, catapulting us into not only a new decade but a new world. Usually, these large forces are best understood in retrospect, not necessarily as we are going through the process and events. We are finding ourselves out of sync inwardly, with our surroundings and the state of the world. It is imperative that radical adjustments are made, to realign ourselves. If the energy of change is harnessed and worked productively, it is also a year of exciting opportunity and constructive rebuilding of our lives and the world!
The events of 2020 see the end of a Saturn Pluto cycle that started in 1982 – 1983. For those of us who were around then, do you remember those days? Tremendous inherent change to the world as we know it and how we go about it is broken down and rebuilt in a Saturn Pluto cycle. It is also the period marked by the outbreak of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
2019 was a prelude to 2020. We carry the by now familiar building pressure energy of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, into this new year. It manifested in events such as the Hong Kong and other protests, political unrests, Eskom breakdowns, climate change and the rise of Greta Thunberg. Who can forget the devastating Brazilian and Australian fires, Trump’s impeachment process, continued threats of war and terror and Brexit? The first of a series of culminating or pressure peak periods in 2020 is 12th January. But you can flag the whole of January especially the building period towards the mid-month period.
These brewing pressure issues and concerns will reach a number of turning points in the coming months (navigating 2020). We are all affected and asked to ‘do’ something in at least one area of our lives (Capricorn and cardinal houses). Capricorn is earth energy (practical, natural, sober and functional). We are called to change old ways of being, outworn structures, be disciplined, pragmatic, consolidate, set boundaries and be an example of conscious leadership. Collectively, outdated cultural, traditional, authoritative, financial and natural structures need to be rebuilt for the next generation and future. It requires maturity and personal integrity that need to be acted on, tangibly. Nature and natural alternatives related to e.g. farming, food, energy and water, come into focus and will be part of this new cycle that lasts until 2053-2054. We will see extraordinary and much-needed changes in these areas in the coming years. Resources also include our material and financial structures. Changes could occur in these areas. Those of us whose natal charts are directly affected will undergo profound change. Where are you feeling this strain and need for change? Look out for my posts in the coming weeks, explaining the various astrological hotspots by month, for further 2020 guidance.
In conclusion, it is important to understand and remember that we are in a natural correction cycle. One of the challenges is that the combination induces a sense of scarcity, rigidity and resistance. It challenges our sense of security and could induce fear. Therefore, how we deal with it depends on our attitude and consciousness. Where do we have limiting beliefs that are reflected in our lives? How can we change old patterns that do not serve us and do something different? Are our beliefs about success only material and financial? What are your values? Understand yourself, your life and chart. You may consider an updated consultation with me and/or join one of my upcoming online courses. Take responsibility for the lessons to be learned and finally, the saying “this too shall pass” is apt. It is each one’s duty to participate with integrity and kindness towards the rebuilding of a new way of being, world and social structure. When we are flexible and consciously embrace change, miracles can happen. The shift could unlock hidden potential – that’s the gift!
May we have the wisdom and awareness to navigate our way through this important year.
Photo by Karina Carvalho on Unsplash
Hello Nancy Cancer ♋️ fullmoon (Blue Moon )in Capricorn ♑️ Please comment !
Wow… how this speaks into everything that has taken place.
Thank you Tamz x
Yeah – 2020 sure was rich in astrological signatures
And such a pivotal year
2021 now propels us into the new direction and era