Date and time: 1 November 2015, 10:30 for 11:00am
Venue: Shamballah, near Cape Point
Directions: coming over Red Hill from False Bay, steer left at the bottom (right to Scarborough). Shamballah is a bit further on and to your left. Coming from Simonstown around Cape Point, pass the Nature Reserve entrance on the left, then the Nursery on your right which is soon followed by Shaballah.
Fee: members free, non-members R50
The Magic of Progressions
Solar Arcs and Secondary Progressions are essential components of the astrologer’s predictive toolkit. They are among the most important and reliable means of analysing life cycles and timing of major life developments. In this lecture Nancy will explore the magic and utility of these ancient techniques.
Should you wish to have a tri-wheel with your natal, secondary progressions and transits chart cast for you, please email Nancy at by no later than Thursday 29th October.