Would you like to learn how to read a Solar Return chart? Join me for an exciting day of learning and see what the year ahead has install for you? You will also acquire the skill of the predictive technique called Profections. My classes are theoretical but also hands-on and you will be using your own charts to learn from. You do have to be a student or practitioner of astrology (have an astrological understanding), as a requirement for the workshop.
Date: 10 November 2019
Time: 10:30am till 4pm
Place: St James, Cape Town (directions once RSVP)
Fee: R1200
RSVP: Nancy (WhatsApp +27826006207)
Note: tea, coffee, filtered water and biscuits will be provided. Please bring lunch for sharing, bring coloured pens and paper, provide Nancy with your birth details, as you will be learning from your own charts.