
Secondary progressions workshop

Presented by: Nancy Massing,

Secondary progressions are invaluable to the astrologer as a predictive skill. They are very personalised and therefore unique to the individual. They shed light on the client’s individual map, backdrop under which the transits occur and the timing of major life developments. They bring depth and perspective to your reading and understanding of where the client has progressed to. Join in on this fun day of learning and self-exploration!

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn the theory behind the techniques in combination with practical application, using your own chart as example (self-exploration).
  • Learn how to use the ephemeris in relation to the secondary progressions
  • Learn predominantly about the progressed Sun and Moon, in relation to changes in sign and house, aspects to natal or progressed planets and their phases
  • A brief overview of other planets by progression and changes in direction
  • Receive copies of your own current charts for analyses
  • Transform your ability as an astrologer!


Date: Saturday 6th April 2019

Time: 10:30 – 16:30

Investment: R1200

Place: 268 Main Road, 7 Monsouri, Muizenberg (bordering St James)

Venue may change depending on amount of participants

Nancy’s contact details: and 0826006207

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Please bring your own lunch to share.

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