Hello Savannah
Thank you for your booking
I’ll mail you back early eve
The price list is on the booking page
It says something like Click here to view price list https://nancymassing.com/fee-structure-2/
Till later
Best wishes
Good day Tracey
Thank you for your message on my website
Please could you email me on nance@netactive.co.za
And I will send you all the required details
Many thanks
There is no mention of amount for consultation or time.
Please advise here.
Thank you
Hello Savannah
Thank you for your booking
I’ll mail you back early eve
The price list is on the booking page
It says something like Click here to view price list
Till later
Best wishes
I would like to book a face to face or skype appointment. Please email me 😊
Hello Nicole
I sent you mail with information
Did you receive it?
Warm wishes
Please could you email booking details and prices. Thank you
Good day Tracey
Thank you for your message on my website
Please could you email me on nance@netactive.co.za
And I will send you all the required details
Many thanks
Hi Nancy, I have a booking with you but need to make an eft. Could you kindly contact me? Thank you
Hi Nancy
Please could you let me know how much the session on the 30th December will be.
Many thanks